Keep your toddlers' chocolate intake in check

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Dangling chocolates before kids is as good as dangling carrots before rabbits. They just go for them. While rabbits and carrots equal each other out, chocolates don’t hold the same equation with kids. When it’s raining chocolates left, right and centre, it isn’t surprising to see mums turning red at the sight of such delectable, yet ruinous goodies.
It’s just not the cocoa that counts. Chocolates are often mixed with sugar and substances that are hazardous to health, especially that of young children. It is often the add-ons that pile up the fat and turn toddlers and teeny-weenies into bundles of obesity. Apart from the harm done to the body, what is more worrying is the effect of chocolates on teeth. With caries and cavities making life miserable for kids, it is about time parents worked out a plan to bring in a bit of moderation to the habit of binging on all things chocolate.
Check out these choco tips to keep, fat, caries and cavities away.
- It is only reasonable to set apart a day in a week to indulge in sweets. Kids should be made to realise that apart from that one sweet day, chocolates are a no-no on all other days. The whole family should put in an effort to say no to sweets on other days.

- Do not lead your children into temptation by chomping on chocolates in front of them.
- Grandparents being the biggest casualty in this diet regimen, they should be told not to treat grandkids to chocolates on the sly. This will send a wrong message to children and ultimately turn them into dishonest individuals.
- Fresh and dry fruits must be made a refreshing substitute for chocolates. The sugar in juices and smoothies can be substituted with honey.

- Little kids can be weaned away from chocolates with the promise of toys, colour crayons and story that are good for the brain.