They are often called one of the tiniest protein bars of nature and are a great way to ward off random cravings. However, pumpkin seeds aren't just healthy snacks; they are also great additions to salads, soups and even baked goods. They are eaten roasted, salted, spiced, raw, soaked and more. Many people eat them 'unshelled' to get extra fibre from the seed. But is it better to have it shelled or unshelled? According to dietician Beth Czerwony of the Cleveland Clinic, the answer is complicated. Here's why:

Unshelled is good, but...
If the pumpkin is sourced from a credible organic space that doesn't add unnecessary additives, you can have it unshelled and benefit from its fibre. The snack is also crunchier with the shell on it and is better for digestion. When the snack is not processed too much, it will also be cheaper, and the fibre content will fight bad cholesterol. However, if you buy unshelled seeds from stores, they often come with a lot of sodium, says the dietician. Apparently, certain brands even add more than the recommended amount of sodium in a single ounce. If eating it unshelled, ensure you don't eat too much in one sitting.  


Shelled seeds have benefits
Removing the shell doesn't make the seeds unhealthy, though they lose a lot of fibre. They will have a good amount of heart-healthy fats and protein. Eat them raw or roasted, but roasting can increase the antioxidant content and can also make them easier to digest. 

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