Mumbai: Actor Siddharth took everyone by surprise at actor Sharwanand's wedding by going on stage and singing the song 'Oy Oy' from his 2009 Telugu film 'Oy!'. A video of the actor is doing the rounds on social media, where he is seen walking up to the stage and joining the band performing. He is then seen breaking into an impromptu gig as he sings the song.

The actor, who is dressed in an all-white suit, received a thunderous response from the crowd who is seen hooting, whistling and cheering for him as he showcased his vocal prowess.

Siddharth and Sharwanand became good friends after working on the sets of their film 'Maha Samudram' last year. Sharwanand tied the knot with actress Rakshitha Shetty recently.

He will next be seen in 'Takkar' and 'Indian 2', which stars Kamal Haasan.


(With IANS inputs)

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