The promo song of 'Paltu Janwar,' the Basil Joseph-starrer hitting the theatres on Onam, has been released. Kerala's favourite influencers Vriddhi Vishal, Sankaran Vlogs, Allu Vlogs, Ameya, Jess Swijn and a pack of kid dancers step to the tune of the "Mandi Mandi" song. The song titled "A Paltu Fashion Show" is written by Suhail Koya and composed by Justin Varghese. Many domestic animals also appear as characters.

The promo song is directed by Basil Joseph. Sameer Tahir has handled the camera. Art Direction: Ajayan Chalissery, Costume: Musher Hamsa, Make-Up: Ronax Xavier, Editor: Chaman Chacko, Sound: Nitin Lukos.
Produced by Fahad Fazil, Dileesh Pothan and Shyam Pushkaran under the banner of Bhavana Studios and directed by debutant Sangeet P Rajan, the comedy-drama film features Basil Joseph, Indrans, Johnny Antony, Dileesh Pothan, Shammi Thilakan, Shruti Suresh, Jayakurup, Athira Harikumar, Thangam Mohan, Steffy Sunny, Vijayakumar, Kiran Peethambaran, CB Thomas and Joji John in the lead roles.
Justin Varghese is the music director. The film is written by Vinoy Thomas and Anish Anjali. DOP: Randev, Art: Gokul Das, Editing: Kiran Das.

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