Telugu superstar Prabhas has once again found himself at the centre of swirling wedding rumours. The buzz began when trade analyst Manobala Vijayabalan posted a puzzling update on his X account (formerly Twitter). Without offering any context, Vijayabalan simply wrote “Prabhas,” accompanied by a wedding emoji and a bride emoji. Naturally, this cryptic post sent fans into a frenzy.

The lack of clarity in Vijayabalan’s post only added fuel to the fire, leaving netizens speculating wildly. “Is it confirmed?” a fan eagerly commented, mirroring the curiosity that has gripped social media. Could the beloved Baahubali actor be tying the knot soon?


Interestingly, this isn’t the first time Prabhas has been the subject of such speculation. Last year, similar rumours took over social media after the actor shared a mysterious post hinting at a 'special someone'. However, during the promotional event for 'Kalki 2898 AD' in Hyderabad, Prabhas decided to put the rumours to rest. With his signature wit, he remarked, “I am not getting married soon because I don’t want to hurt the feelings of my female fans.”
While his statement temporarily silenced the chatter, the recent developments have reignited curiosity. Is there truth to the latest rumours, or is this just another misunderstanding? For now, fans can only wait and watch as the mystery unfolds.

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