Actor Nazriya Nazim’s brother, Naveen Nazim, recently got engaged to Fiza Sajeel, a fashion stylist. The joyous occasion was celebrated with heartwarming pictures shared by Nazriya, showing the newly engaged couple alongside her and Fahadh Faasil, who also joined in the celebration. For those unfamiliar, Naveen had worked as an assistant director with Fahadh on his upcoming film 'Aavesham'.

Nazriya took to social media to express her happiness, writing, “Welcome to the family, Fiza!” In the photos, Naveen looked dashing in a blue sherwani, while Fiza was stunning in a vibrant purple lehenga. Nazriya and Fahadh opted for elegant golden and brown outfits to match the celebratory mood.

The engagement ceremony was an intimate gathering, attended by close family and friends. Among the notable guests were actors Soubin Shahir, music composer Sushin Shyam, and cinematographer Vivek Harshan, who joined the couple in celebrating this special milestone.