The creators of Thalapathy 69, on Saturday made their first official reveal about the much-anticipated film. KVN Productions introduced Thalapathy Vijay as the lead and confirmed that H Vinoth will be directing the project. The newly released poster also announced that the film’s music will be composed by the acclaimed Anirudh Ravichander.

KVN Productions recently shared a teaser poster on X (formerly Twitter), expressing their enthusiasm: "We are beyond proud & excited to announce that our first Tamil film is Thalapathy 69, directed by the visionary H Vinoth and featuring music by the sensational rockstar Anirudh. We’re thrilled to collaborate with Thalapathy Vijay, the torchbearer of democracy, arriving on October 20, 2025." Details about the film’s plot and other specifics are currently under wraps.


The film will be produced by Venkat K Narayana under his banner, with Jagadish Palanisamy and Lohith NK joining as co-producers. Filming for Thalapathy 69 is set to commence in October this year, with a planned release in October of the following year. Official announcements regarding the cast and crew are expected to be made soon.