Social media sensation Orry has threatened legal action against influencer and content creator Ruchika Lohiya. This comes after Ruchika posted a video from a Mumbai event where she described her experience of attending the event and highlighted Orry's refusal to shake her hand.

The video quickly went viral, amassing over 4.1 million views on Instagram at the time of publishing this article. Orry responded to the video by slamming Ruchika and calling her 'shameless'. In the comments section of Ruchika's reel, Orry wrote, 'Babe, I do not know you, you ain’t my homie. I do not know what germs and shit your hand carries. I am always happy to meet fans and friends when the time permits. Shoving your way to me at a public event, bypassing my security and disrespecting my manager, you still managed to get close to me and I politely greeted you. Don't expect strangers to touch you. You got a friendly fist bump, but even that’s not enough??? And if you were truly embarrassed, what is the need for this clout-chasing video??? Sly and shameless'.


Furthermore, Orry reportedly stated his intention to file a defamation case against the influencer, stating, 'I will be filing a defamation case immediately. Legal has already been notified. CCTV footage will also be pulled.'

In Ruchika's video, she expressed her admiration for Orry's work directly to him. While Orry appreciated her kind words, his manager requested her not to take any photographs. As Ruchika was leaving, she extended her hand for a handshake, to which Orry responded with a hesitant fist bump, causing her embarrassment.

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