Mumbai: Sunny Leone, who recently made her Cannes debut with the Anurag Kashyap directorial 'Kennedy', expressed heartfelt gratitude towards her husband, Daniel Weber, for their unwavering companionship over the span of 15 years. The actress took to her Instagram to share two videos from the prestigious film festival, along with a sweet note dedicated to her husband.

In her Instagram post, Sunny wrote, "God sent you into my life at my lowest moment. In that moment, you literally saved my life and have been by my side ever since. 15 years of togetherness! Without you, this moment at @festivaldecannes would have never happened."


She further expressed in her note, "Your continuous support to push me forward and help me pursue my dreams is truly selfless and on another level. I love you and thank you!"

In response to her post, Daniel wrote, "You earned everything you have achieved!!!!! With or without me!!!! I love you!!!!! This is just the beginning!!!!"


'Kennedy' stars Rahul Bhat and Abhilash Thapliyal and marks Anurag Kashyap's return to the neo-noir genre.
(With IANS inputs)