Director Vipin Das, who helmed the highly successful film 'Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey', is gearing up for his next project titled 'Guruvayurambala Nadayil'. The film will feature actors Prithviraj and Basil Joseph in the lead role. Now, we hear comedian Yogi Babu, who appears mainly in Tamil films, will be making his Mollywood debut with the film.

The director himself made the announcement on his Instagram page. “Welcome to Malayalam cinema. Extremely happy to share my Easter Egg to all. None other than Yogi Babu on board in Guruvayoorambalanadayil,” the director wrote, while also posting a picture with the actor.


'Kunjiramayanam' scriptwriter Deepu Pradeep is associating with Vipin Das in this big-budget project. The film is jointly bankrolled by Prithviraj Productions and E4 Entertainment. Vipin Das' 'Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey' featuring Basil Joseph and Darshana Rajendran in the lead roles revolved around a woman who learns martial arts to take on her highly abusive husband.