Mumbai: Social media is abuzz with a viral picture of Bollywood superstar Salman Khan at the gym, with many leaving humorous comments. The image features Salman proudly displaying his well-toned quads while dressed in black shorts and a fitted T-shirt, with a white hand towel on his head. He captioned the image: "21st APRIL #KBKJ".

However, fans couldn't stop commenting on his picture and re-imagined several versions of the same picture. One fan commented, "Who said Brother Teresa?" Another wrote, "Bhai is Teresa noww." A user added, "Salman Teresa Khan." One fan said, "Bhai is now 57 years old, but still doesn't look over 30."


A meme page even drew a parallel between Salman's 'Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan' and the Nun from the 'Conjuring' universe, calling it: "Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Nun."
(With IANS inputs)

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