Mammootty-starrer 'Nanpakal Nerathu Mayakkam' directed by Lijo Jose Pellissery is all set to start streaming on an OTT platform. The Malayalam-Tamil bilingual film, is mainly focused on James, who along with his family and a few others, are returning after a pilgrimage to Velankanni in Tamil Nadu. On their way, they stop at a place for rest. James who wakes up after his siesta enters a house in the locality. He soon starts behaving like another person Sundaram.

Prem Udayabhanu who reviewed the film writes that NNM is a judicious mix of myth and reality, cinema and drama. NNM can also be positioned along the blurring lines, if any, that differentiate between hallucination and trance. Read review here.


Meanwhile, Theni Eswar's stills beautifully capture the different spots in the picture postcard village that the protagonist strays into. The film, which had also won a lot of praise at the International Film Festival of Kerala (IFFK), received critical appreciation after it hit theatres on January 19. Now, Netflix has announced that the film will start streaming on their platform on February 23.

Meanwhile, 'Chathuram', directed by Sidharth Bharathan, has also locked it's OTT release date. The film features Roshan Mathew, Swasika and Alencier Lopez in the lead roles. The film revolves around a middle-aged guy who marries a young girl. The abusive husband soon becomes bedridden following which a male home nurse arrives to take care of him. What happens after that and how does she make use of the opportunities in her hand forms the rest of the story. The film, which hit theaters on November 4, will soon be available on Saina Play, though the makers are yet to release the exact date.

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