Actor Siju Wilson, who plays the lead in Vinayan’s 'Pathonpatham Nootandu', publicly apologised to the director, while recalling how he felt when he was invited to do the project.

“It was when I was planning to work in a big project that I got a call from director Vinayan. That’s why I decided to take it up. I also want to publicly apologise to him. When he called me I did think about his last couple of films and wondered why he was calling me. I think that was natural. But when I went to his house and spoke to him I felt energised. Even now when I think about it I become emotional. He was so respectful towards me”,Siju said.


Vinayan replied that Siju had such thoughts because he overlooked films like 'Adbudha Dweep' and 'Rakshasa Rajavu'.

“It’s ok. He just became emotional. That’s the fire burning inside a young man. I have had issues with some of my friends from the film industry and have stayed away for the last 8-10 years. But I was adamant and stood my ground. I did films without any of these people. I did films without a technical team or artists. Siju overlooked my films like 'Adbudha Dweep', 'Rakshasa Rajavu' and 'Dada Sahib'. So he became tensed. I told him that with a good film I will turn his fortunes around. He left that day with those energising words” said Vinayan.

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