Actor and MLA K B Ganesh Kumar made a surprise visit to the recently constructed government hospital to check whether the hospital at Thalavoor in Kollam district was clean and functioning properly. He visited the hospital which was constructed on a budget of Rs 3 crore amidst complaints that the hospital wasn’t maintained properly and the premises were untidy. He saw that the pharmacy, office and other areas in the hospital were in a messy state. Ganesh, then, picked up a broom and swept the floor himself. He asked the hospital employees to show some gratitude towards the salary that they draw from the state purse. The parliamentarian, who was visibly furious, said that he was sweeping the floor to embarrass the doctors and other hospital staff.

Ganesh Kumar reached the hospital at Thalavoor, that is all set for the inauguration, to see and assess the functioning of the hospital. He berated the staff, seeing the dirty premises and dusty equipment. The hospital building was built using Rs 3 crore that was allotted from the MLA fund.

Meanwhile, the pathetic state of the toilets that were opened just six months ago had angered the MLA. He warned the hospital staff that they would have to suffer the consequences if the hospital isn’t cleaned before the minister arrives for the inauguration. 

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