Thiruvananthapuram: The provisional rank list for admission to the medical and related courses in Kerala has been published. The list is available on the website – The final list would be published only after considering the complaints filed with the Commissioner of Entrance Exam.

Those who are included in the National Entrance cum Eligibility Test – UG 2022 rank list and have applied to medical and other related courses in Kerala have been included in the provisional rank list. The admission is to MBBS, BDS, Ayurveda, Homeopathic, Siddha, Unani, BSc Agriculture, veterinary and fisheries courses.


Meanwhile, the Commissioner of Entrance Exam informed that the admission would be conducted based on the schedule published by the Medical Counselling Committee. As per the MCC’s schedule the first round of counselling would be held from 17 – 28 October while the second round will be from 7 – 18 November. The National Medical Commission has instructed that the first year MBBS classes should begin on 15 November.  

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