In 2025, Kerala will replace its existing 16-coach Thiruvananthapuram - Kasaragod Vande Bharat Express with a 20-coach train. The existing train will be used in a different route, though it's not decided yet. Passengers are requesting to use it instead of the eight-coach Vande Bharat that runs in the Alappuzha route. The news comes a few weeks after the Railways announced that the state will soon get 10 new Vande Bharat, aka Namo Bharat trains. As per reports, the new train will have grey-black-orange colour combinations. Currently, the train (20634) operates on all days except Thursdays.

The TVC-KGQ Vande Bharat
The train leaves Thiruvananthapuram Central at 5.15 am and arrives in Kasaragod at 1.20 pm. The express, which covers 586 km in 8 hours and 5 minutes, has eight stops - Kollam Junction, Chengannur, Kottayam, Ernakulam, Thrissur,  Shoranur, Kozhikode, Kannur and Kasaragod. The return train 20633 departs from Kasaragod at 2.30 pm and reaches Thiruvananthapuram Central at 10.40 pm.