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The Board has now decided to initiate an inquiry into the involvement of its officers in this issue.
As part of the National Highway development work, the power lines on the roadside poles were being shifted.
KSERC decided to announce the revised rate for 2024-2025 in the last week of October and effect the same from November 1.
The community grid mapping system will be implemented on a pilot basis in the jurisdiction of 15 section offices.
Board authorities have initiated discussions with various insurance companies to implement the scheme.
The dam, standing 500 metres high and 200 metres wide, ranks among the largest built by the KSEB in recent years.
If the state government does not intervene in the matter soon, the Board may be forced to increase the power tariff by at least Rs 4 per unit.
SAT hospital near the Medical College is locally known as Woman and Child Hospital.
KSEB Chairman & Managing Director Biju Prabhakar recommended the immediate suspension of P V Abhilash, P C Saleem Kumar, and P Suresh Kumar on the report of the chief vigilance officer.
Bills could also be downloaded from KSEB’s mobile app and the portal with the consumer number and mobile number.
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