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Tuesday, Mar 25, 2025
Sabu Cyril had previously designed buses for the Corporation when Ganesh Kumar first became Transport Minister in 2001.
She has designed award-winning fonts like 'Anek' and 'Mangosteen', both of which are Malayalam type designs.
The work, featuring an abstract image of the metro rail in eye-catching shades of blue, green and yellow, was unveiled on Thursday.
There are 16 exam centres for the selection test on January 7, 2024.
Bronze Age’s gallery at Kadavanthra in Kochi showcases its products, including sculptures in various media, artefacts and 24-carat idols in all its fineness.
The four-year graduate programmes in designing offered at various institutes in Kerala have been grabbing attention for its quality training and focus on providing employment opportunities
The institute will receive online applications for admission for the academic year 2023-24 till 5 pm on January 21.
Generally, children are not allowed to draw on the walls because they have been painted with expensive emulsions.
Kerala has at least 3 institutes that offer four-year Bachelor of Design (B Des) courses. These institutes are perfect for those who have a flair for designing.
The Common Entrance Exam for Design (CEED) and the Undergraduate Entrance Exam for Design (UCEED) held by the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, for admission to various undergraduate//post-graduate programmes offered at some of the premier design universities and institutes in the country, will have a revised syllabus from 2024 onwards.
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