Kochi: The structural stability of tower A of the Chander Kunj Army Towers at Silversand Island, Vyttila in Kochi, will be tested ahead of the demolition of the B and C towers, Ernakulam District Collector NSK Umesh said on Tuesday.

The decision was taken at a meeting of the district collector-led committee appointed by the Kerala High Court to plan and implement evacuation, demolition and reconstruction of the two of towers of the residential buildings which are under severe distress due to poor quality of construction.

The collector, in a post-meeting media briefing, said that the need to conduct a structural assessment of the tower A will be raised before the high court in its affidavit ordered to be filed on April 3.


Tower A stands less than 50 metres away from the twin towers, ordered to be razed. Built before the twin towers, tower A has not shown any signs of structural disability yet while the other two started showing signs of poor construction with frequent spalling of concrete and cracks on floors and walls.

A study conducted by the IISc, Bangalore, based on which the high court ordered demolition of the twin towers, has not found any severe damage to tower A, the collector said.

Deadlock over rent continues
The collector said the dispute over the rent to be paid to the flat owners during the demolition and reconstruction of the buildings has yet to be resolved. The Army Welfare Housing Organisation (AWHO), which developed the project, has stood firm on its stand that it has committed Rs 175 crore for all expenses relating to the demolition and reconstruction, including rental payments. AWHO is a society focused on providing affordable housing to serving and retired Army personnel, as well as widows of Army members.


The flat owners have objected to the AWHO’s claim demanding a separate amount for rental expenses. The collector-led panel, which consists of representatives of the flat owners, has made it clear that it would not agree with the AWHO’s claim. ''We examined the counter affidavit filed by the AWHO in court. It states Rs 175 crore has been committed for demolition and reconstruction only,'' Umesh said.

The collector said the committee will apprise the court of all the decisions it has taken so far in the affidavit to be filed on April 3.

The panel has formed two sub-committees. One will look into the modalities of evacuation and demolition and work on a timeline, while the other will examine the aspects of reconstruction.

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