Kochi: Considering the seven-day mourning period declared by the Centre following the death of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, the organisers of the Cochin Carnival have decided to cancel the New Year's Eve celebrations. The events directly organised by the Carnival Committee, including the burning of the 50-foot effigy of Pappanji at the Fort Kochi Parade Ground and the New Year's Day rally, have been called off.

However, the effigy of Pappanji at Veli Ground in Fort Kochi will still be set on fire, as permitted by the High Court. The 42-foot effigy has been erected by the local club Gala De Fort Kochi at the Veli Ground.


The High Court recently granted conditional permission for the burning of Pappanji at Veli Ground, provided that security barricades are set up around the effigy. This decision followed a petition filed by Gala De Fort Kochi, challenging the police's order to demolish the effigy.

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