Kochi: Actor Balachandra Menon was on Wednesday granted interim anticipatory bail till November 21 in a sexual assault case registered by Thiruvananthapuram Cantonment police on a complaint filed by an actress from Aluva. The complainant had also levelled sexual abuse allegations against actors Mukesh, Jayasurya and Edavela Babu.

The court observed the incidents of sexual assault, as stated by the complainant, took place on January 1 and 27, 2007. However, the complaint was only filed on September 30 this year. The court stated the complainant failed to provide a convincing explanation as to why there was a delay in filing a plaint. Moreover, the court granted the bail citing the Supreme Court had set precedents in this regard. The prosecution had opposed the bail plea. The case was adjourned to November 21.


"The complainant has alleged she was sexually assaulted during the filming of the movie 'Dhe Ingottu Nokkiye' in 2007. This claim is false and fabricated. On September 13, 2024, a person who introduced himself and his wife as the complainant's lawyers contacted Balachandra Menon several times on the phone. When they threatened to file a complaint, it became clear that their motive was to extort money. The complainant had a small role in the film. The producer called for her scenes to be removed in the final edit," Menon's lawyer told the court. The actor sought anticipatory bail as he felt there was a possibility the complainant would come out with more bogus allegations and get him arrested in addition to the complaint filed against him.

Earlier, besides actor Siddique, every other actor accused had been granted bail by the High Court and lower courts. Siddique moved the Supreme Court and obtained interim bail. The case will be heard again soon.