Film production controller's death in Kochi: Family alleges foul play

Shanu Ismail.

Kochi: The death of film production controller Shanu Ismail in a Kochi hotel has sparked suspicion as his family alleged that he may have beaten and injured before his death. Relatives claim that Shanu had no reason to commit suicide and suspect the involvement of others in his demise.

Shanu's body was found dead at a hotel with liquor bottles scattered around on Monday. Shanu, a native of Thiruvananthapuram, was staying in the hotel for over ten days. His friends, who were staying with him, vacated the room two days before the incident.

Shanu was booked in connection with a sexual assault complaint filed by a female actor. As per that case registered with the Museum Police in Thiruvananthapuram, Shanu allegedly abused the actor in 2018 on the promise of guaranteeing roles in movies.

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