Kattapana hotel issued closure notice after students were served chicken curry filled with maggots

Health inspector Jins Mathew said that the hotel kitchen was dirty. Photo: Special Arrangement

Idukki: Three students from Vellaramkunnu who ordered porotta and chicken curry from a hotel at Kattapana were in for a shock as they found maggots in the curry on Friday night. The children soon started vomiting and were admitted to a hospital after they complained of stomach pain and weakness. While the hotel was temporarily shut down by the authorities, it reopened again on Saturday triggering public protests.

The Municipality authorities issued a closure notice to the hotel on Saturday. Health inspector Jins Mathew said that the hotel kitchen was dirty. An organization called Kattapana Development Forum has called for a one-hour strike on Monday to protest against hotels serving stale food at Kattapana.

In another incident at Vandiperiyar around ten people who consumed biriyani from a hotel were admitted to a hospital. The officials issued a closure notice to the hotel. According to officials, they found that the kitchen was close to the toilet and the kitchen was unhygienic. The incident came to light even as the panchayat was dealing with an outbreak of infectious diseases including jaundice. 

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