Malappuram: A meeting chaired by Kerala Health Minister Veena George on Sunday decided to relax Nipah restrictions according to the guidelines. The decision comes amid reports on the absence of virus spread in the district. The district administration will issue an order regarding the relaxation. Those in isolation must strictly follow quarantine guidelines. Preventive measures will continue to be strengthened. Mask usage and social distancing should also be maintained.

Meanwhile, the Health Minister urged the public not to let down their guard despite the absence of signs of Nipah virus spread. Currently, only one person from the contact list is undergoing treatment in the hospital with mild symptoms. No one is in the ICU. There are currently 472 people on the contact list. So far, a total of 856 people have received mental health services. Minister Veena George participated online in the Nipah review meeting held at the Malappuram Collectorate this evening.

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