Palamel panchayat, Alappuzha enlists timber workers in disaster management team

Representational Image. File Photo: Special Arrangement

Alappuzha: A week ago, Palamel panchayat was hit by strong winds and rain. Trees got uprooted, blocking the traffic. Branches fell over electric lines snapping power supply. While the panchayat was waiting for the fire force personnel to arrive, it was the timber workers in the panchayat who emerged as saviours.

Using their expertise in handling timber, these labourers cut and moved the fallen trees and tree branches, clearing the way for the fire force vehicle as well as the KSEB staff to reach the panchayat. The panchayat has now decided to enlist the timber workers in the disaster management team.

''We went without electricity for four days. The problem was that the nearest fire force station is in Adoor. They couldn't get here as trees had got uprooted in the heavy winds and fell over the roads, blocking the traffic. It was only by Friday that the power supply could be restored properly,'' said B Vinod Kumar, president of Palamel Grama Panchayat.

A meeting was held on Friday with the convenors of the timber workers union. ''In that meeting, it was decided to officially include the workers as part of the disaster management team to help with the cutting and clearing of trees the next time such a situation arises,'' Vinod Kumar said. It was the workers themselves who volunteered for the task. They are offering their services free of charge.

''There are four major timber workers unions in Palamel and all four unions have lent their support to this,'' said Rajesh K, convener of the timber workers union (AITUC). ''As timber workers and as natives of Palamel, we felt we owed the people our services in such times of distress. We are very capable when it comes to handling heavy logs. We know how to cut it and move it safely and efficiently,'' he said.

The workers, including Rajesh, had joined in clearing the fallen trees for the last few days. While the nearest fire force station from Palamel is 12 km away in Adoor in Pathanamthitta, the KSEB staff have to come from Kayamkulam 15 km away.  

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