Train bogie detaches from engine at Thrissur

Bogie separates from engine in Ernakulam-Tatanagar Express train. Photo; Special arrangement

Thrissur: A train bogie separated from the engine near the 15th milepost at Vallathol Nagar here on Friday. The incident involving the Ernakulam-Tatanagar Express train occurred at around 10 am. Since the train was moving at a slow speed, a major accident was averted. Responding swiftly, CMW Shornur staff, Shornur Railway Protection Force, Mechanical Department, and Railway Police took necessary actions at the scene.

The detachment also disrupted electrical connections to the AC coach. Subsequently, the bogie was reattached, and the train was shifted to Shornur Railway Station. Railway officials said that additional safety checks will be conducted before the journey resumes.

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