Malappuram: The differences between the District Medical Officer (DMO) and the Kerala Government Medical Officers' Association (KGMOA) in Malappuram district are widening following the transfer of 12 doctors from the Manjeri Medical College Hospital.

The district's government doctors have been protesting since December 1 and have collectively availed casual leave from work on Thursday. The health minister's office has called them for a discussion on December 23.


The DMO's office transferred 12 doctors from the medical college to nearby health centres at the direction of the state health ministry. The decision came following the visit of Health Minister Veena George to various health centres in the district before the Nava Kerala Sadas. Upon learning about the staff shortage at Areekode and Kondotty Taluk Hospitals, the health department asked the DMO to take the necessary steps.

“The district medical office transferred six doctors to the Areekode Taluk Hospital, five to the Kondotty Taluk Hospital and one to the Pookkodu tour block hospital as per the direction of the health minister to improve the casualty functions in these hospitals,” said DMO Dr R Renuka.


The DMO has argued that those transferred were not from the casualty department so it would not affect the functioning of the medical college hospital. “It has been found in a recent inspection that the workload of doctors under the health services in Manjeri is less. So diversifying the strength from this hospital to the nearby hospitals would help the public to get more care,” said the DMO.

However, KGMOA alleged that the transfer of the doctors has affected the functioning of the medical college and claimed the doctors' workload has increased.


“The DMO has no idea about the functioning of the medical college hospital. She has been giving misleading reports to the authorities. DMO has not even considered the report of the medical college hospital superintendent. The doctors who were transferred belonged to speciality departments and the statement of DMO that she has not transferred any specialists is not true,” KGMOA alleged. The transferred doctors have yet to take up duties in their respective hospitals.

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