Kochi: A Anil Kumar, the administrative assistant at the Ernakulam Medical College Hospital, who allegedly forged a birth certificate to facilitate the illegal adoption of a newborn, was nabbed by the police on Friday.

Anil, who had gone into hiding, was taken into custody from his hideout in Madurai.


The police have filed forgery and fraud cases against Anil and A N Rahana, a temporary staff of the Kalamassery Municipality.

Later in the day, Anil told police that he recived money to forge the birth certificate. He said he got money multiple  account, Manorama News reported. He told reporters that he would explain many things after he secures bail.


Fake birth certificate

The alleged fake birth certificate stated that the baby was born at the Ernakulam Medical College Hospital on January 31, 2023.


The incident came to light when Rahana, who was in charge of the kiosk at the birth/death registration department of the Kalamassery Municipality, found certain discrepancies in the birth report of the child. On enquiring with the labour room nurses, she learnt that there was no record of childbirth to the Tripunithura couple - Anoop Kumar and Sunitha - as stated in the application form submitted by Anil.

Her complaint eventually resulted in the unraveling of the forgery and Anil's arrest. The subsequent probe revealed that the baby had been illegally adopted.

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