Thiruvananthapuram: At a time when the state is fighting the stray dog menace, Kerala Police is inducting five Jack Russell Terrier canines from England into its K-9 squad, impressed by the breed’s tracking and attacking abilities. Jack Russells make great police dogs, thanks to their bomb detecting and drug sniffing abilities.

The dogs are currently part of the Israeli army and the US Police and are extensively deployed at many foreign airports. The tiny but intelligent breed is being procured for the first time in the country by any police force.


A pint-sized Jack Russell Terrier was credited with sniffing out the maximum number of land mines during Ukraine’s ongoing war with Russia and even received a Medal of Honour from President Volodymyr Zelensky.

The canines, which weigh around 5 kg, are the best in the sniffer dog category and can jump up to heights of five feet. Israel's army had earlier showcased the capabilities of the breed during a training programme of the National Security Guard (NSG) held in Delhi.


Dr Lawrence, assistant director of the Kerala Police Veterinary wing, was impressed by the breed and recommended recruiting a batch to then DGP Loknath Behera.

The five Jack Russell canines joining the K-9 squad next week will undergo training for six months. The squad has a strength of 160 canines, including 25 Belgian Malinois dogs and the Chippippara breed, native to Tamil Nadu.