Kottayam: His Grace Dr Mathews Mar Severios is set to be named the new head of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church. The new Cathlicos of the East will be announced here formally on Friday.

The Orthodox Church Synod has unanimously nominated Mar Severios to be the new patriarch. In all 24 Metropolitans of the Church took part in the Synod meeting convened on Thursday at the Catholicate Palace at Devalokam in Kottayam town.


He will be formally installed as the Cathlicos after a meeting of the Malankara Syrian Christian Association, the apex body comprising the representatives of priests and the laity, ratifies the Synod decision. This meeting is scheduled to be held at Parumala on October 14.

Mar Severios, 72, is currently the Metropolitan of the Diocese of Kandanad West and Diocese of Idukki.


The new Catholicos succeeds His Holiness Baselios Marthoma Paulose II who passed away in August.

Dr Mathews Mar Saverios was born on 12 February 1949 to Mr Cherian Anthrayos of Mattathil family in Vazhoor. He has a BD degree from the Serampore University and pursed his higher studies in Theology at Theological Academy, Leningrad, Russia, states his profile on the Church website. He later took his MTh and PhD from the Oriental Institute, Rome.


Dr Severios was ordained a deacon in 1976 and a priest in 1978.

He is a faculty member of the Orthodox Seminary, Kottayam, the profile states further.   

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