A group of women, led by Malayalam dubbing artiste Bhagyalakshmi, staged a protest against a man for posting a video on YouTube insulting women. An emotionally charged Bhagyalakshmi, along with activist and reality show contestant Diya Sanaa and one Sreelakshmi Arakkal, barged into the room of Dr Vijay P Nair in Thiruvananthapuram and poured motor oil on his face. They also slapped him.

The protesters forced the man to apologise to women for hurting their feelings. The incident happened around 4 pm at a lodge where Nair stays.

The incident was shared live on Facebook by the protesters. The protesters were also heard hurling abusive words against the man.

The protesters were provoked by a video posted by Nair on his YouTube channel a month ago. In the YouTube video, Nair makes derogatory remarks against some feminists in Kerala by narrating stories that aimed at defaming them. In the video, he named some women activists and gave hints that help viewers identify others.

Bhagyalakshmi and others took away the laptop and other gadgets used by Nair for uploading the content on YouTube. They took the gadgets to the city police commissioner's office, but the officers there refused to receive them. They were directed to the Thampanoor police station where they submitted the gadgets and filed a fresh complaint.

Nair, who identifies himself as an author and film personality, runs a YouTube channel that features videos about topics including sex. He also claims to have a doctorate in Psychology, Manorama News reported.

The protesters had filed a complaint against him with the State Women's Commission, Cyber Cell, Women and Child Development department and State Gender Advisor.

Bhagyalakshmi told Manorama News that they resorted to the protest as the police did not act on their complaint. She also said they were fed up with the insult they had been facing. 

'No complaint'

Nair said he had already apologised to the women and he did not have any complaint about the incident, Manorama News reported. 

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