Kochi: Maharaja's College, Ernakulam, which reopened on Monday, is trying to come to terms with the murder of SFI leader Abhimanyu allegedly by Popular Front of India (PFI) workers on the night of July 1.

Arjun, Abhimanyu's friend who was also stabbed by PFI workers the same night, is only recovering from the mental and physical trauma at the Medical Trust Hospital, Ernakulam.

Despite the swirl of controversies outside the campus and the ongoing police investigation, the college is trying to be back on the track of academics.

The SFI-led college union, students, and the National Service Scheme (NSS) unit earlier headed by Abhimanyu, have filled the campus with hoardings, installations, paintings, graffiti portraits, photographs and quotes by Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu's campus

The main gate adorns a huge hoarding that reads 'This is comrade Abhimanyu's campus.' The captivating photograph of the student leader installed by the SFI shares space with one put up by the Kerala Students Union (KSU). Every corner of college reverberates with Abhimanyu, making the absence seem louder.

“We now realize how vocal, enthusiastic, and assertive a personality he was. This campus is full of his and quotes,” says Arun Jagadeeshan, one of Abhimanyu's close friends.

Maharaja's to give Rs 5 lakh to Abhimanyu's family

Students' associations, volunteer groups and teaching departments have joined hands to put up such remembrancers. “He did not belong to a single department, a single party or a single volunteer group. His voice, his ideas, his company was shared by everyone here. We regret we didn't realize its value earlier,” says Shilpa, an MA student.

The very famous flagpole of the college, which has appeared in several campus movies of Mollywood, will no more look the same. The college union has sought permission to build a 'shrine of martyrdom' in memory of Abhimanyu near the flagpole, the venue of college assemblies and other informal gatherings.

“Abhimanyu shall be remembered in all our gatherings. So, we plan to build a shrine of martyrdom for him, right near the flagpole. The structure will have his photograph and will carry the message: 'Down with religious extremism. (Vargeeyatha thulayatte),” said Jishnu, the scretary of Maharaja's students' union.

A poster put up by SFI calls Campus Front of India the enemy of the campus.

10,000 books for village library

In line with Abhimanyu's wish to build a library in his native village Vattavada, in Idukki, the students of the college are joining hands to collect 10,000 books and raise a fund for construction.

Arun Jagadeeshan told Onmanorama that the union had already started the initial phase of library development. “We look forward to coordinating with the Vattavada panchayat authorities to construct a full-fledged village library and fill it with books of all categories and genres. It was his dream to open a world of opportunities for the children of Vattavada. He aspired to introduce several educational projects, library being a prominent one. We consider this as our humble effort to practicalize one of the many dreams of Abhimanyu,” he said.

The students wil have a book deposit point.

Healthcare for Vattavada

The NSS unit of the college is rather shattered in the absence its leader. Julie Chandra, member of the faculty who is in charge of the NSS unit, told Onmanorama that no one knew how Abhimanyu organized students from various departments and political parties to carry out social service activities under NSS.

“He had a unique, incredible skill of organizing students. I just had to give him an idea and he would make it practical the very next week," she said.

Julie Chandra remembers Abhimanyu telling her of the absence of a proper dispensary in his village. “He had told me several times that the village dispensary in his place was not functioning properly. His family had to go to the neighboring village. So, I initiated a meeting with regional medical officer Syriac; Kalamassery medical college professor Kavitha Ravi; and some NSS volunteers to discuss possibilities of providing better healthcare facilities in Abhimanyu's village. Both the doctors were supportive of the project. They introduced me to their enthusiastic students who expressed their readiness to serve free of cost in that hilly village," she said.

Maharaja's to give Rs 5 lakh to Abhimanyu's family

After the requisite permissions, the dispensary in Vattavada could be bettered in one year, she said.

Aid for students

The college is also planning to constitute a scheme in the name of Abhimanyu, to identify, support and encourage the students from poor background to thrive in a competitive academic space. A participatory scheme constituted jointly by the students union, department of chemistry and the management, the institution envisages to make campus a better, comfortable place for students from all strata of society and help them achieve their dreams and ambitions.

The NSS unit will constitute an inter-departmental team to train students in the Vattavada Government Higher Secondary School where Abhimanyu studied.

Principal's condolence fund

The faculty and management members of the college will contriubute Rs five lakh to Abhimanyu's family. College principal Beena NL will visit Abhimanyu's house at Vattavada, Idukki on July 10, Tuesday, and handover the amount to his parents.

Abhimanyu's teachers told Onmanorama that they realized the many lessons to be learnt form their beloved student. “Abhimanyu was never found sad or depressed on the campus. Even when he discussed plans to help other students, he never uttered a word about his own problems. He was a textbook of humanity and joy, which we failed to realize,” they said.

One of them recalled an incident when the residents of the men's hostel organized a protest against the low quality of food and accommodation. Abhimanyu didn't take part in it. “When asked personally, he told me that he had days of utter poverty in his life. His house was worse than our dilapidated hostel building. He said he was happy of the facilities here,” he said.

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