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Last Updated Thursday November 19 2020 05:17 PM IST

Bobbitised godman gets his genital back, claims bigwigs are acting against him

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Bobbitised godman claims powerful people are acting against him Swami Gangesananda said that his innocence needs to be proved only before the courts according to the Constitution and God as per his faith.

Kochi: Swami Gangesananda Theerthapada, alias Sreehari, who was castrated by his young woman disciple allegedly while resisting a sexual assault from him, claimed powerful people are acting against him. He got his genital back through surgery on Tuesday.

“The people who are opposed to me are very powerful,” the Swami said at a press meet held at an hospital in Kochi where he has been undergoing treatment after the sensational bobbitising incident.

As his genital was restored, he said it was after 280 days that he was able to urinate freely.

"While I claimed then that I myself did it so as to get away from further trouble, the truth is that the same people whom I helped were behind this act and more than one person did it," he said in the presence of doctors at a private hospital after the surgery.

He added that he suffered a lot during this period and at one point even told the doctors to completely remove his genital.

Swami Gangesananda said that his innocence needs to be proved only before the courts according to the Constitution and God as per his faith.

However, he refused to reveal anything more about the case now and promised to meet the media later.

“I will convene three press conferences after fully regaining my health. All aspects of the case will be discussed there,” he said.

“However, I do not feel hatred towards anyone. Let those who filed the complaint against me prove the charge,” the godman added.

He went on to say that from May 20, 2017 onwards, he had almost become a 'transgender.' “Police officials took me to the Medical College Hospital and later to the Specialists’ Hospital in Kochi. A surgery was performed on me on February 18 this year,” he explained.

“I believe I have regained full health now,” Gangesananda said.

The horrific attack happened in May when the godman was resting at the home of one of his friends and followers in the state capital.

Soon after the attack, he was rushed to a hospital and an emergency surgery was done to refix his genital which had been severed.

The first report said the attack was done by a 23-year-old lady as he was harassing her. It was later said he did it himself, while a third version said it was done by some others.

(With inputs from IANS)

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