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Last Updated Wednesday November 18 2020 03:43 PM IST

Court orders lie-detector test on 'victim' of godman rape case

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Court orders lie-detector test on 'victim' of godman rape case Sreehari, the self-styled godman, undergoing treatment at Thiruvananthapuram Medical College Hospital

Thiruvananthapuram: A court here on Tuesday ordered a lie-detector test on a 23-year-old woman who said that she had chopped off the genitals of a godman while resisting his rape attempt at her house in Thiruvananthapuram recently.

The court also allowed the police to do a brain-mapping and a detailed medical check-up of the woman, who changed her initial allegations against the mendicant. However, the court refused to give bail to the self-styled godman, swami Ganeshananda, alias Sreehari.

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The police had sought a lie-detector test after the woman said the investigators been fabricating stories. She said she had no faith in the police probe and wanted a CBI investigation.

The controversial case, which grabbed national headlines, saw many twists and turns after the incident on May 18. The woman, who first made startling allegations, then said the godman never misbehaved with her.

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