Bengaluru: The Karnataka government has upheld the disciplinary action initiated against a woman police sub-inspector attached to the Cubbon Park police station for attempting to dilute a case against businessman Mohammed Nisham by not evoking serious charges in an attempt to murder case.
The government upheld the recommendations of a disciplinary committee to put off by a year the annual increment of sub-inspector Kathyayini Alva.
The case against Nisham, who is currently serving a double life imprisonment for murdering his security guard Chandrabose in Thrissur in 2015, was in connection with an incident which took place on December 22, 2014. He allegedly assaulted N Suman Roddam, a software engineer residing in Vittal Mallya road in Central Bengaluru, and threatened to kill him.
Though the victim filed a complaint with the Cubbon Park police, they refused to register a case against Nisham. Later, Suman lodged a fresh complaint after he recognized Nisham from his photos appeared in the media in connection his arrest in the Chadrabose murder case.
The Bengaluru police filed an FIR on the second petition, but the complainant alleged that they watered down the case by not pressing attempt-to-murder charges. Though they took Nisham into custody for questioning, he obtained bail in no time.
It was alleged that the sub-inspector omitted IPC Section 307 (attempt to murder) from the FIR and booked Nisham under milder sections for rash driving and voluntarily causing hurt.
In 2015, the disciplinary committee found her guilty of lapse and unlawful act, and ordered stoppage of her annual increment for a period of one year.
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