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Last Updated Saturday November 21 2020 04:32 AM IST

A year after Jishnu Prannoy's death, family looks for answers

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Jishnu Prannoy Nehru College of Engineering and Research Center was shut down indefinitely after its buildings were vandalized in a violent protest that followed Jishnu's death.

Thiruvilwamala, Thrissur: A year since Jishnu Prannoy was found hanging in the hostel of the Nehru College of Engineering and Research Centre, Pambady, in Thrissur, his death continues to be shrouded in mystery.

Jishnu, a first year B.Tech student, was found hanging in the toilet of a hostel at the college on January 6, 2017.

Preliminary investigations had found that the disciplinary actions initiated by the college administrators against Jishnu after he was allegedly caught cheating in an exam drove him to take the extreme step.

However, in a turning point in the probe, the investigating team later found blood stains in a room at the college. Later it emerged that the room was a terror chamber which the students referred to as the ‘torture room’.

His unnatural death led to a ripple effect and sparked violent protests by students’ organizations against self-financing managements across the state.

The management had no other option but to shut down the Nehru College of Engineering and Research Center indefinitely after its buildings were vandalized in a violent protest that followed Jishnu's death.

Students’ organizations intensified their agitations, seeking arrest of those responsible for Jishnu’s death and dismissal of the college staff who were allegedly involved in the incident.

The student protests were called off after their demands were accepted at a meeting convened by the district collector.

However, the investigating agencies have not been able to achieve any decisive breakthrough in the investigation into the mysteries surrounding his death.

The gruesome manner in which the cops handled the agitation launched by Jishnu Prannoy’s mother Mahija in front of the police headquarters in Thiruvananthapuram had also led to contentious debates in the state.

Following Mahija’s unrelenting protests, a decision was taken to hand over the case to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), but the agency refused to take over the investigation, stating that there was no circumstance which required a CBI probe in the case.

Later, the CBI was forced to probe the case after the Supreme Court intervened in the matter and pulled up the agency for the refusal.

Memorial meet

Under the aegis of the SFI, a memorial meeting in connection with the first death anniversary of Jishnu Pranoy was held at the Pambady center Friday. Jishnu’s relatives also attended the meeting.

Several programs are being organized at Valayam, his native place in Kozhikode Saturday.

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