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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 12:26 PM IST

CBI says not ready to take up Jishnu Prannoy case, invites wrath of SC

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Jishnu Jishnu

New Delhi: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Thursday informed the Supreme Court that it cannot take up the probe into the death of Keralite engineering student Jishnu Prannoy.

The CBI cited workload as the reason to turn down the Kerala government's request.

It also told the court that the probe by the Kerala police was adequate and there was no circumstances that called for an investigation by the central agency.

The CBI's stance invited the wrath of the apex court which slammed the premier investigation agency for the delay in giving its reply.

The CBI, during the last hearing, told the apex court that it had not received the notification issued by the state government to hand over the case to it.

However, the Kerala government challenged this stating that the notification was issued on June 15 and handed over to the counsel representing the CBI.

Jishnu, a student of Nehru College of Engineering, Pambady in Thrissur, was found dead in his hostel on January 6. A case had been registered against five persons including Nehru College group chairman P K Krishnadas in connection with Jishnu's death.

Jishnu's parents have alleged torture and harassment by the college management as the reason for his death.

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