Anupam Kher replaces Gandhi; Ahmedabad cops seize fake Rs 500 notes featuring actor

Anupam Kher
Bollywood actor Anupam Kher. Photo: Sujit Jaiswal/AFP

Mumbai: The Ahmedabad police have seized counterfeit notes of Rs 500 worth approximately Rs 1.6 crore, featuring the image of actor Anupam Kher instead of Mahatma Gandhi. The case was swiftly cracked after the unusual decision by the counterfeiters to use Kher's photograph on the fake currency in Gujarat, as reported by IANS.

The incident came to light when two unidentified men defrauded an Ahmedabad bullion trader using the counterfeit notes. In addition to featuring Kher’s image, the notes also had "Resole Bank of India" printed instead of "Reserve Bank of India."

Images of the fake currency have gone viral on social media, sparking a mix of shock and amusement among users. Actor Anupam Kher himself expressed his surprise at the situation. He recently shared a news clip of the counterfeit bust on his Instagram, captioning it, "My photo instead of Gandhi's on a five hundred rupee note???? Anything can happen!"

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