Mumbai: In a recent development, several students at IIT-Bombay were slapped with hefty fines and other penalties for their involvement in staging the controversial play "Raahovan". The fined students include at least eight graduating seniors and juniors who staged the play during the institute's annual Performing Arts Festival on March 31. The skit, which loosely adapted themes from the Ramayana, sparked controversy for allegedly portraying its characters in a derogatory manner.

According to reports, graduating students have been individually fined Rs 1.2 lakh and are now ineligible for any gymkhana awards. Junior students associated with the production have been fined Rs 40,000 each and are barred from accessing hostel facilities, Times of India reported. These disciplinary actions were implemented following recommendations from a committee tasked with investigating the complaints. The penalties need to be paid to the office of Dean of Student Affairs by June 20.


The Performing Arts Festival (PAF) is a significant cultural event at IIT-Bombay, held annually to showcase artistic talents among students. IIT-Bombay authorities have refrained from issuing official statements on the matter.