Valsamma seemed scared and agitated when she came to see me. The 65-year-old woman said she was here to share a secret no one should know about. She claimed that she was sexually assaulted by a neighbour three months ago. The woman then began noticing that her tummy was growing. Initially, she thought that it was probably due to gastric trouble. But, soon, Valsamma, a mother of four, realised with shock that she was pregnant. She told me this when her husband was waiting outside.
Although I was certain that a 65-year-old woman was unlikely to be pregnant, I recommended a scan to see whether there was any growth or mass in her stomach. Besides, I also sought the help of a gynaecologist to confirm any signs of assault.

Scanning revealed that she wasn’t pregnant, and neither did she have any other conditions. But, her allegation that a neighbour had assaulted her cannot be dismissed lightly. Moreover, I should initiate legal proceedings too. I was in a dilemma as Valsamma, whose children are settled afar, didn’t allow me to talk to her husband. I noticed that her behaviour was odd when I called her after the scanning and told her that she wasn’t pregnant. The woman who was upset until then suddenly became cross. She asked me whether I, too, was conspiring to trick her. “Are you dismissing whatever I have suffered because nothing is shown in the scan? I felt the touch of a man. I can even recall his smell. What can I do if you do not believe me?” she asked angrily. I tried to console her and promised to inquire about it and take action. I also urged her to visit me the next day with her son, who lives close to her house.

The next day, I spoke to her husband and son. Their son said that CCTV cameras had been installed in the house where the elderly couple lived alone. Despite checking multiple times, they didn’t get any evidence of such an incident. Delusion is a fixed belief that is not amenable to change even in light of conflicting evidence. People with delusions have an unshakeable belief in something that is untrue. Valsamma was not lying; instead, she was trying to believe what she thought was the truth.

It is common to hear growling sounds from the stomach. However, those who have delusion may give another meaning to such common things. Despite the conflicting evidence, they will falsely interpret and believe things to be true. Delusion is a major symptom of mental health disorders that come under the psychosis category. The sensation of touch and smell described in the above case happened due to the hallucinations that accompanied delusion. Patients often visit me, sharing unique and unbelievable experiences. Once, a patient showed me a tiny mosquito bite and claimed that his neighbour had injected the HIV virus into him to ruin his life.

You can imagine the repercussions if these people decide to file police complaints. Besides, actual sexual assault cases may be dismissed as mere delusion, and the victims may be prescribed unnecessary medications. So, it is important to consult a mental health expert to find out the in-depth details of a case. Lack of proper knowledge for the police that handles crime and the legal machinery could lead to false findings. You could uncover the truth only by carefully examining the facts and beliefs. Just as in foreign countries, our country needs to incorporate the services of a mental health expert while solving crimes. Many universities have launched a new school of study called forensic psychiatry. This article reminds the readers that a person’s mental health condition should be considered along with common beliefs and experiences to conclude an incident.
The writer is a consultant psychiatrist at the Medical Trust Hospital, Ernakulam.

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