If family members had breast cancer, are you too at risk? Discover details

Doctors often inquire about the family history factor if they doubt your health test results indicate a possibility of breast cancer. Photo: iStock/PORNCHAI SODA

Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer seen in women and anyone with breast tissue. Women are often anxious about this disease, and there are lots of misconceptions, too. October is celebrated as breast cancer awareness month globally to create awareness and also to improve screening for the disease. Here, we are debunking some of the common myths about breast cancer.
1) You could get breast cancer if there is a family history of the disease
Doctors often inquire about this factor if they doubt your health test results indicate a possibility. However, experts say there is only a 5 – 10 per cent chance you might get cancer due to family history. Most women with breast cancer have no family history. Regardless, if there is someone in your family who has had breast cancer, keep an eye on your breast health with self-examination and other tests. 

2) Breast cancer affects only women
Although breast cancer is mostly seen in women, men too could be diagnosed with it, as anyone with breast tissue could be affected by this disease. Around one per cent of breast cancer patients around the world are men. If you notice any lumps on the breast or nipple discharges, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. 
3) Mammogram could increase the risk of breast cancer
There is no scientific backing to this claim that mammograms could increase the risk of breast cancer. A mammogram is one of the best screening methods for breast cancer. Even though there could be minor side effects or discomfort, women should undergo this test for breast cancer screening. 

4) Those who lead a healthy life stay away from breast cancer
The risk of breast cancer is comparatively low in those who workout regularly and follow a healthy diet. However, this doesn’t mean you are completely immune from the disease just because you lead a healthy lifestyle. Genetics and many other factors could lead to breast cancer in women. 
5) Lumps on the breast are the only symptoms
Lumps may not appear on the breast in all kinds of breast cancer. The difference in the size and shape of the breasts, nipple discharge or reddish skin around the nipple, too, could be the symptoms. Checking your breasts or self-examination is the best way to notice any changes. 

Lumps may not appear on the breast in all kinds of breast cancer. Photo: Shutterstock

6) Wearing bra could cause breast cancer
There is no science-backed proof that wearing a bra, especially the underwired ones, could cause breast cancer. This myth may have spread from the common belief that wearing bras of a certain shape and structure might block the lymphatic flow in the breasts. However, this has not been proven by any research studies. 

7) You are safe because there is no family history
Around 85 per cent of women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history of the disease. Age, genetics and lifestyle are some factors that could impact the risk. So, all women should undergo screening tests at stipulated intervals to ensure that they do not have breast cancer. 
8) Biopsy could lead to breast cancer
This is a misconception, as only a tiny tissue is removed for biopsy. Biopsy doesn’t lead to cancer; instead, it is a test commonly used in breast cancer treatment. 
9) Breastfeeding saves you from breast cancer
Breastfeeding can make you immune from breast cancer even though it alone cannot prevent the disease. You could do a self-examination of the breasts as well as the tests prescribed by medical personnel to confirm the disease. If you notice any changes in your breast, seeking immediate medical help is important. Finding the disease at the early stages makes treatment easier and more effective as well as there is an increased chance for recovery too. 

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