Can sweets trigger pimples and mood swings? Know more

The ultimate hack to control sugar cravings.(photo:IANSLIFE)
Sugar can affect your internal organs and lead to pimples and pigmentation on the skin. Photo: IANS

If you are someone with a sweet tooth who can’t resist sugary treats, then you may have noticed these changes that are happening in your body. Even natural sugar should be consumed in limited quantities, as sugar, whether it is natural or processed, could be harmful to the body. Here’s how overconsumption of sugar could affect your body and overall health
Weight gain
Consuming too much sugar can cause obesity and weight gain.
Sugar cannot only affect your internal organs but also lead to pimples and pigmentation on the skin.

Mood swings
Overconsumption of sugar is one of the main causes of mood swings. Besides, when you eat sugar, your craving to eat more increases.
Affects immunity
Consuming sugary treats regularly could decrease the body’s immunity. The sugar will not get completely assimilated into the body. So, the undigested sugar then reaches the small intestine, and the bacteria feed on it. Thus, The endotoxins get mixed in the blood, causing inflammation and destroying the body’s natural immunity.
If the undigested sugar isn’t flushed out of the body, it will lead to inflammation, which can cause premature aging and swelling. 

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