Remember 'portion-control' while having these fruits for weight loss: Here's why

Many health-conscious people consume fruits regularly to shed extra kilos. Photo: iStock/ajayancv

Fruits are often considered to be the healthiest food items that need to be strictly included in our daily diet. Loaded with vitamins and antioxidants, they are also part of the weight-loss diet for many. However, it's important to remember the practice of 'portion control' while having certain fruits that are rich in vitamins and minerals, as overconsumption may do more harm than good. Here are five fruits that should be consumed minimally regularly:

Orange is a great source of vitamin C that can boost immunity. However, orange is an acidic fruit that may lead to acid reflux. It is a digestive disease where the liquid substance in the digestive system refluxes into the oesophagus, causing heartburn and discomfort. A study published in the Gastroenterology and Hepatology journal notes that acidic fruits like oranges may trigger the symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD. The backwash of the intestinal liquid may irritate the lining of the oesophagus, causing inflammation. It must be noted that you wouldn’t get GERD by eating oranges occasionally. Those who suffer from constant irritation in their bowels should eat oranges minimally; instead, they could add fruits that are less acidic like plantains and melons to their diet.

Lychee is a sweet and delicious fruit that is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. However, lychee also contains a toxin called hypo glycine. Your blood sugar level may drop to dangerous levels if you eat this fruit on an empty stomach. A study reported in Investigative Medicine says that children who consumed too many lychees on empty stomachs suffered from acute hypoglycaemia. In some cases, it has even led to death. So, those who suffer from hypoglycaemia or frequent fluctuations in blood sugar levels should not eat lychee. Keep in mind that lychee is a fruit that should be consumed minimally along with a well–balanced and nutritious diet.

Dates are a great source of energy and a natural sweetener too. It contains high levels of sugar as well as minerals like potassium and magnesium. A single date contains up to 16 grams of sugar. American Diabetes Association warns that fruits like dates that contain high amounts of sugar may swiftly increase blood sugar levels. So, dates may not be the ideal fruit for diabetes patients. Nevertheless, it is safer to consume dates minimally to stay healthy and fit.

Coconut is known for its amazing nutrition and health benefits. However, copra or dried coconut kernels are loaded with calories. Even a small kernel of copra contains lots of calories and unsaturated fat, leading to weight gain. Moreover, overconsumption or regular consumption of copra may put your heart at risk. As per a research study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, unsaturated fats especially the ones that are found in dried coconut kernels increase the risk of heart-related ailments. It is alright to eat copra in small portions or enjoy a few pieces occasionally. But, food items that have fewer calories and regular coconut are healthier than copra.

Processed fruit products
Fruits naturally contain sugar. However, the added sugar in preserved fruit products may not be as healthy. Fruit syrups and dried fruits coated in sugar rapidly increase the amount of sugar that reaches your body. In its dietary guidelines, the World Health Organization recommends limiting added sugars to less than 10% of the daily calorie intake to reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes. 

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