Mumbai: The scientists at the Mumbai Tata Memorial Centre, a leading cancer treatment and research centre in the country, recently announced that they have made a groundbreaking discovery in cancer treatment. They claim that they have developed a pill that could prevent the recurrence of cancer by 30%. The tablet, as per the claims made by the scientists, could be sold for just Rs 100. Besides, the tablet could reduce the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy treatment by at least 50%.

Dr. Rajendra Badve, surgeon and senior scientist at the Tata Memorial Centre said that it took the research team a decade to develop this tablet. This is the cheapest cancer treatment that would be available in the country, he said. The pill is more effective for cancer that affects the mouth, lungs and pancreas. The researchers have applied to the Food Safety and Standard Authority of India (FSSAI) for approval. They hope to make the drug available in the market within three months. However, the patients need to wait for a few more years to use this tablet for treatment of recurrence of cancer.


The experiment was done by injecting human cancer cells in mice. They were then administered chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment which destroyed the cancer cells and turned them into chromatin molecules. Dr Rajendra Badve explained that these molecules travelled to other parts of the body through the blood and entered the healthy cells to cure cancer. 

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