Numerology can indicate future events by making certain calculations based on the birth date. For instance, for a person born on the 11th of a month, the method of calculation is 1 + 1 = 2, which is a number attributed to the moon.

In addition to 11, the other birth dates related to the number ‘2’ are, 2, 20 and 29. People born on these dates enjoy good food and have excellent writing, acting and culinary skills. They are also willing to help others, and have a keen interest in subjects related to art. Another trait of people governed by the number ‘2’ is the fame they earn in society from their professional activities.


However, such people are unlikely to be reciprocated by the beneficiaries of their good deeds. They also could create enemies owing to their forthright way of speaking. Meanwhile, women with the birthdate of ‘2’ are likely to possess physical beauty and also display a little shyness.

People in this category could lose interest in worldly affairs during a particular stage of their lives. But, this state of mind may not last long. Even though they are likely to relish a happy family life, fortunes could wax and wane, similar to the appearance of the moon. Their lucky colours are green and white.

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