Puttu which is incredibly easy to prepare is one of the healthiest breakfast dishes in the world. However, many find it quite strenuous to fill in the 'puttu kutti' (cylindrical steamer) with all the ingredients while preparing puttu in batches. Here is an easy way to prepare two or three pieces of firm puttu in one go without the puttu maker.

Puttu podi or rice flour
Grated coconut


Prepare the puttu mix by mixing the rice flour, grated coconut, water and salt in the right proportions
Fill this mixture into a glass or steel container
Press it well so that the puttu will hold shape
Boil water in a regular idli steamer
Reduce the flame and drop the puttu mix carefully from the glasses into the vessel in the steamer
You could also stuff the puttu mixture into coconut shells instead of glasses. This method would save time and fuel as well.

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