Have you been craving something sweet, fruity and jiggly? Want to swap store-brought sweets with something home-made for your kids? We have the best idea. You could easily make these green grape jellies using just three ingredients at home. They are sweet and cute and the perfect dish to make when you feel lazy to go for any complicated procedures. Here is the recipe.

300 gm grapes
½ cup sugar
¼ cup cornflour


Wash the grapes well before blending them in a mixer jar
There should at least be 300 ml juice
Add sugar and cornflour
Mix well
Now cook this mixture
Keep stirring so that lumps wouldn’t be formed
Pour this into silicone moulds
Keep it in the fridge to set the jelly
Cut into desired shapes after it sets.

Sprinkle sugar, coconut or chocolate shaving over it to garnish.


Watch preparation video here

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