Try this delicious Thai-Kerala beef dry fry or soy sauce beef fry if you are bored of the regular beef dishes. Check out the simple recipe.

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½ kg beef
1 tsp pepper powder
1 ½ tsp chilli powder
1 ½ tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp ginger-garlic paste
Salt as required
1 big onion (chopped)
2 tbsp coconut oil
1 tsp mustard seeds
Curry leaves as required
3 tbsp grated coconut

Marinate the beef pieces with pepper powder, chilli powder, soy sauce, ginger-garlic paste, salt and half onion
Keep it aside for at least an hour
Pressure cook the marinated beef without adding water
Allow the stock from the beef to reduce completely
Heat coconut oil in a skillet and splutter mustard seeds
Sauté the remaining onions and curry leaves
Add the cooked beef as well
Roast on low flame
When the beef is completely dry, add the coconut
Mix and roast well.

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