Tasty and healthy ginger wine could be easily prepared at home in just three days. Check out the very simple recipe of ginger wine.

250 gms ginger
13 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp yeast
1 liter water
1 cup hot water
1 lemon
4 cardamom pods
6 cloves
8 dried chillies
1 inch piece of cinnamon
¼ cup raisins


Grind the washed ginger with some water in a blender
Pass the ginger juice through a sieve to collect the extract
Mix yeast with 1 tbsp sugar and some lukewarm water in a small bowl
Keep it aside for the yeast to rise
Burn the sugar in a thick bottomed pan
Into it add 1 cup hot water, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, dried chilies, raisins, lime wedges and water
Boil this mixture well
Into it add the ginger extract
Mix well and boil for some more time
Add the yeast after the ginger mix has cooled down
Store this liquid without exposing to light, air or water
On the next day, pass the wine through a sieve or a piece of muslin cloth
Store the wine in bottles and keep them in a dark place
You could enjoy ginger wine from next day onwards.

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