Try this hack to store ginger-garlic paste for over a year

Ginger-garlic paste
Ginger-garlic paste. Photo: iStock/undefined undefined

Indian cuisine is incomplete without the rich flavour and aroma of ginger and garlic. Ginger-garlic paste, in particular, is a key ingredient in many non-vegetarian dishes and fish curries. Additionally, ginger tea can soothe a sore throat, while garlic is often used as a home remedy for gastric troubles.

However, peeling ginger and garlic can be time-consuming, especially when preparing them in large quantities. Freshly made ginger-garlic paste is far superior to store-bought varieties, as it contains no preservatives. Moreover, with proper storage, you can keep this paste for up to a year without losing its aroma or flavour.

To make the perfect ginger-garlic paste, you'll need 100 grams of ginger and 700 grams of garlic. Peel and wash them thoroughly. Then, grind them together in a mixer with a bit of oil, avoiding the addition of any water. Mix in 2 teaspoons of salt, transfer the paste to an airtight container, and store it in the fridge. This ginger-garlic paste will stay fresh for up to a month. Alternatively, you can make ginger-garlic paste cubes using ice trays and store them in the freezer. These cubes can then be kept in zip-lock bags, maintaining their freshness for up to a year.

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